Terms & conditions

  • Full Upfront Payment

  • I will determine if it’s possible for me to take your commission or not after we discussed the details

  • $1 = 15k IDR for local prices (Indonesian Only)

  • Payment can be made through PayPal (International) or Bank Transfer (Indonesian Only, BCA)

  • Please credit me with my Twitter and YouTube channel link

  • Corporate Fee x1.5 from Final Price

  • No refund after payment made for any reason

$20 / Minutes

Vocal Commission

I will sing for your project, cover, etc.

  • 1 Major Revision Max

  • Minimum duration of 1 minute, if less than 1 minute will be counted as 1 minute

  • Duration above 30 seconds will be rounded up (1:31 will be counted as 2 minutes)

  • I will provide 48kHz 32bit Wav file of the raw vocal

  • Harmony +$8 / Layer

  • Adlibs +$5 / Track

  • Tuning +$5 / Track

  • Timing +$5 / Track

  • 1 Major Revision +$10

  • Commercial Use +$20

  • To publish in my Channel +$50 (For art and MV commission)

  • Will be done in 7-14 days

  • Rush Fee +50% from total (Will be done in 2-5 Days)

Mixing Commission

I will mix your vocals with an existing instrumental, either provided by you, or commissioned to me

  • 3 Revisions Max

  • +1Revision +$5

  • Commercial Use Included

  • Will be done in 7 days

  • Rush Fee +50% from total (Will be done in 2-3 Days)

$25 / Song

$5 / Track

Tuning Commission

I will tune your vocal

  • I will provide 48kHz 32bit Wav file of the tuned vocal

  • I will not provide any vocal coaching, any imperfection on the vocals that “cannot” be tuned (*will sound robotic) is not my responsibility

  • You will send me the final take of your vocal recording, any retakes will count as revision

  • Revision +$2 / Revisions

  • I will help with small technical problems (Make sure your audio file is Mono, 48KHz, 32Bit WAV, no clipping)

  • Will be done in 7-14 days

  • Rush Fee +50% from total (Will be done in 2-5 Days)

Timing Commission

I will time your vocal

  • I will provide 48kHz 32bit Wav file of the tuned vocal

  • I will not provide any vocal coaching, any tempo imperfection on the vocals that “cannot” be fixed (*will sound robotic / broken) is not my responsibility

  • You will send me the final take of your vocal recording, any retakes will count as revision

  • Revision +$2 / Revisions

  • I will help with small technical problems (Make sure your audio file is Mono, 48KHz, 32Bit WAV, no clipping)

  • Will be done in 7-14 days

  • Rush Fee +50% from total (Will be done in 2-5 Days)

$7 / Track

Harmony $10 / Layers
Adlib $5 / Layers

Guide Commission

I make vocal guides for your cover

  • I will provide 48kHz 32bit Wav file of the harmony / adlib guide

  • Revision +$2 / Revisions

  • Will be done in 3-10 days

  • Rush Fee +50% from total (Will be done in 1-2 Days)

SFX Commission

I will make SFX for your project

  • I will provide 48kHz 32bit Wav file of the SFX

  • Revision +$5 / Revisions

  • Will be done in 7-14 days

  • Rush Fee +50% from total (Will be done in 2-5 Days)

$20 / 5 Seconds